So it seems I have another female hermit crab that is fertile. I really have no idea at what size

So it seems I have another female hermit crab that is fertile. I really have no idea at what size
Picture it… In a dark room, illuminated only by the tank lights, I crouch near the tank. Hunkered down, twisted
Land hermit crabs require access to both fresh water and ocean water at all times. This need is met by
Getting the lights added and checking to see how far down the moisture has leeched about 5 months after set
Ditto is a large female Coenobita brevimanus. She was recently part of a copulation attempt, prior to which she (and
2/23/2017 MBD spent the day guarding Ditto up in the shell shop again. This happened 2/9/2017 and then MBD spent
Fee, Fie, Foe and FUM! Fum is my biggest crab (not a jumbo though). Fum is currently un gender specified a
Named for a PokemonGo monster, this is Haunter one of my (assumed) male Coenobita brevimanus. The assumption is based on
I FINALLY have enough power outlets for the hermit crab tank! This16 outlet tower is perfect!
Beezus the Brave is a female Coenobita compressus. This is her Crabbook page so be sure to check back for