Ditto is a large female Coenobita brevimanus. She was recently part of a copulation attempt, prior to which she (and all the other brevimanus) was very reclusive and only coming out very late at night if at all. She does enjoy the hamster wheel as well. The brevimanus and violascens spend most of their time in the large cork bark log.
2/23/2017 MBD spent the day guarding Ditto up in the shell shop. I watched them all day and while Ditto seemed uninterested there were not obvious signs of aggressive behavior. Late in the evening while I was recording, Ditto swapped shells to trick MBD into leaving her along and it totally worked. The video is a bit long but I think it’s worth watching to see MBD try to figure out what has happened. I can’t help but feel bad for him.
March 12, 2017 still no sign of eggs on Ditto and the males are still acting possessive of her. I’ve not witnessed any guarding again but that doesn’t mean it’s not happening. The brevis don’t seem to come out of the log unless Ditto does so who knows what they are getting up to in there!