I’m building a new tank as soon as I find a replacement for the Tank of Betrayal. I plan to

I’m building a new tank as soon as I find a replacement for the Tank of Betrayal. I plan to
I spent a good three hours working on the crabitat this weekend. Here’s a little video: Check out Isopod Connection
So I figured out how to repurpose my beloved turtle docks for my hermit crab tank! The suction cups stopped
I saw this at PetsMart… you could really take this idea and run with it and make an mini terrarium/humid
Hey I did a review of this very cool waterfall filter that I bought. I really like now natural it
Yesterday I tried to scavenge some acorns from work. The squirrels have eaten most but I found some shells and
I can’t even! Guys… pack up your shells and let’s take a road trip! http://www.express.co.uk/news/science/607356/Evidence-of-life-on-Mars-Were-aliens-hermit-crab-AND-scorpion-snapped-by-Nasa-Rover
This is probably the last sizeable harvest of flowers from my yard and I found a few more cicada exos
Well after failing to capture the skink that was party crashing in the hermit crab tank last night I woke