I have to apologize for neglecting to share my adorable captive bred baby hermit crabs: Wall-E and Eve! I’ve been

General hermit crab stuff
I have to apologize for neglecting to share my adorable captive bred baby hermit crabs: Wall-E and Eve! I’ve been
Yesterday morning I woke up to a dead tiny rugosus. Shell in the water dish and body next to it.
October 6, 2017 I picked up three small C. clypeatus from a cold garage. I don’t need more crabs, I
My smallest E, Super Fudge, did not survive his molt as feared. I am left with two female Es and
Something I have not been able to find data on is at what ‘age’ is a hermit crab able to
So it seems I have another female hermit crab that is fertile. I really have no idea at what size
After the fire my hermit crabs lived in a 55 gallon storage bin while I was in temporary housing. While
August 2016 I had a house fire. My hermit crab tanks had to be left for a few days. When
2/23/2017 MBD spent the day guarding Ditto up in the shell shop again. This happened 2/9/2017 and then MBD spent