The language gets Rated R but its still funny: “Still not getting on that motherfu$%ing boat” w/ T-Pain & Andy
Tag: hermit crabs
Two more gone
So of the 12 crabs I purchased, only 6 remain after a month. I moved them to the main tank
New crabs are not doing well
Sadly FOUR have died. A ruggie died on the 2nd or 3rd day and tonight 3 more have died. Very
More pics of the new hermit crabs
I finally got home and set up a salt water pool for the crabs to soak in. Matt had given
The exotics have arrived!
Matt was home to bring them in and unbox them for me. He put them in the tank I have
I ordered some exotics online Monday and they should be arriving today! I have the temporary 30 tall tank set
Downsizing my supplies
So I decided this weekend that it was time to start sorting through my mountains of hermit crab and misc
Rollie Pollie bug
Adding rollie pollie bugs (also known as pill bugs or sow bugs) to your crabitat is not an entirely new
Donation of hermit crab supplies
If you have excess supplies for your hermit crabs and are interested in donating them, The Crab Street Journal has
You can catch more crabs with honey…
Put some organic honey into the crab tank last nite and as you can see by the hermit crab traffic