Tag: habitat

Hermit Crabs Molting
Actual molting is difficult to document since it is supposed to happen underground. So technically a lot of these photos

75G Vertical Crabbook
None of the 26 15 littles in this tank have a name so this will be a compilation page for

55 Gallon Storage Bin Crabitat Photos
After the fire my hermit crabs lived in a 55 gallon storage bin while I was in temporary housing. While

75 Gallon Vertical Crabitat Rebuild
It’s back! My 75 gallon vertical crabitat is back up and running! The littles have been moved from the 55

150 Gallon Update
Getting the lights added and checking to see how far down the moisture has leeched about 5 months after set

Crabitat lighting update
The plan has always been to mount my lights inside of my tank after my hoods were damaged in the

Life in a bin – a hermit crab story
So my current set up is a traditional set up in a 150 gallon and a temporary bin set up

It lives!
The 150 gallon is up and running once again! I’ve set it up at my mom’s and I have to say

Rebuild is underway!
The 150 gallon tank has been cleaned, silicone stripped and reapplied and a couple new glass shelves installed. Tonight it