One of the new strawberries didn’t make it through the day. I know its going to be a battle keeping them alive and healthy but I feel I’m better equipped than just anyone walking in off the street. Hopefully some more berries will be in stock soon for me to make an exchange and some additional purchases. I took pictures of the body and will be uploading them soon.
The KK went into the main tank where I dropped the humidity to 70%. Which in truth was 73%. Once the 20 gal was at 73% I placed the other two crabs in it. I placed them at the top of the paint tray ocean pool. Both of them scrambled head long into the deep end of the pool. The smaller berry wandered around for about a minute and then slowly made its way back out, lingering on the edge of the pool. After several minutes the larger berry was still soaking so I left and went back upstairs.
I went to check and their humidity had crept up. Our outdoor humidity is high today so the tank is now halfway uncovered. The two had been checking things out. Their dinner tonight is a light meal of dried flowers, calendula, rose petals, jasmine and chamomile topped with shredded coconut.
The paint tray is a space hog in that 20 gal tank so when money allows it will be replaced with something that allows more floor space but a good depth also.
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