May 14, 2018 Male – Maybe Baby Daddy, Female – unnamed, were both sitting on the choya log a few

May 14, 2018 Male – Maybe Baby Daddy, Female – unnamed, were both sitting on the choya log a few
Picture it… In a dark room, illuminated only by the tank lights, I crouch near the tank. Hunkered down, twisted
Maybe Baby Daddy C. brevimanus and love* interest of Ditto. This big guy kind of steals my heart. The brevimanus
Ditto is a large female Coenobita brevimanus. She was recently part of a copulation attempt, prior to which she (and
2/23/2017 MBD spent the day guarding Ditto up in the shell shop again. This happened 2/9/2017 and then MBD spent
Named for a PokemonGo monster, this is Haunter one of my (assumed) male Coenobita brevimanus. The assumption is based on
For the last 6 hours I have been watching my largest C. brevimanus (Ditto) being guarded by another brevi. They
Working From Home With Hermit Crabs 🙂 I really, really am enjoying working with the hermit crab tank and bin
Hungry hungry hippos! Five crabs were happily enjoying the mango and then this guy shows up and takes the whole
I ordered Coenobita brevimanus and violascens this time! I was a little calmer this time, knowing that customs would delay