Uninvited skink in my crabitat

Skink update!

Well after failing to capture the skink that was party crashing in the hermit crab tank last night I woke up wondering how I was going to get him out…assuming he was still in there! For all I knew he may have escaped during the night.

I checked the tank in the morning…no sign of the skink.

I finally decided I needed to go out and run errands. I realized I could use Periscope to monitor the tank in my absence for any sign Mr Skink was still in the crabitat. I took my tablet downstairs and guess who I found hanging out at the water dish?

This guy.

Apparently he was a wee bit thirsty after partying it up with the hermit crabs all night.

The skink drinks!
The skink drinks!


Lil sippy sippy
Lil sippy sippy

So now we have a mexican standoff. I can see him but I can’t easily scoop him up with the kritter keeper. I needed him out in the open for that. So either I just attempt to grab him with my hands or I come back later and give it a go.


I assumed he would be slipperyish so I found some latex gloves and crept up on the tank. Carefully I eased my hand in behind him…slowly. He saw me and jumped into the water dish. Greaaat now he’s wet and wiggly!

Four grabs later I had him secured with both hands! I hustled my butt over to the window and let him slip back out side.

He turned back long enough to say goodbye and then he was gone.

Back to the streams and the lakes you are used to!
Back to the streams and the lakes you are used to!

Party on Wayne!