Land hermit crabs require two water sources, one fresh and one ocean (salt) water. All water must be treated with

Land hermit crabs require two water sources, one fresh and one ocean (salt) water. All water must be treated with
Actual molting is difficult to document since it is supposed to happen underground. So technically a lot of these photos
Land hermit crabs require access to both fresh water and ocean water at all times. This need is met by
This is what shell disease can do to a hermit crab. Shell disease is a general term to encompass several
A couple years ago when we created our Facebook group to go along with our website I was shocked to
I ordered some exotics from Germany. Due to some weird customs process they were delayed for nearly two weeks so
I ordered some exotics online Monday and they should be arriving today! I have the temporary 30 tall tank set
So I decided this weekend that it was time to start sorting through my mountains of hermit crab and misc
Adding rollie pollie bugs (also known as pill bugs or sow bugs) to your crabitat is not an entirely new
I decided to pick up some fresh Quince at the nutritional store a week or two ago to see how