What do hermit crabs eat? EVERYTHING! Hermit crabs are omnivorous scavengers who literally eat everything, including poop. O_O Extensive list

What do hermit crabs eat? EVERYTHING! Hermit crabs are omnivorous scavengers who literally eat everything, including poop. O_O Extensive list
Hermit crab snacks I received from Isopod Connections: Corn wheel Calcium Pit Butternut Squash Guts Butternut Squash Within the first
Isopod Connection Orchard Grass bale. This is a stock photo and the photo I took of my tank right after I put
Hungry hungry hippos! Five crabs were happily enjoying the mango and then this guy shows up and takes the whole
Put some organic honey into the crab tank last nite and as you can see by the hermit crab traffic