Purchased 3/25/06 (5 Compressus from Collinsville Reptiles and Pets, in a small, shallow KK on calci sand, no additional heat or humidity)
Crabs were placed in a 10 gallon tank with very shallow, dry sand. Room temp was to be kept at 72F. I numbered their shells 1-5 to help keep track of them.
(more notes to be added later…finding my paper!)
#4 was digging
coconut, honey, spinach and shrimp were all eaten but not the steak and grapes
#3 spent a long time eating steak
#4 not digging
grapes still not eaten
everyone is digging
egg, carrot and olive oil eaten
#1 soaking in OW
egg eaten
afternoon the humidity jumped to 90% it was very warm outside
PM: 1,5,3 ate grapes
2 stayed in the hut
4 was digging
@ 12:30 am the humidity was 74% with a overheat light
Humidity was 74% all day, it was 80F outside
evening humidity was 80%
Bought 5 more Compressus from the same store they ate egg
Woke up to a very hot, sunny morning and the humidity was 30% so I moved the tank away from the window.
I placed it infront of the fireplace with no additional heat or light and it leveled out to 70%
The other tank was also 70%
Still holding 70%
Grapes were eaten
I moved all the crabs into the same tank (10gal)
4/5 Humidity was holding at 72% but crept up to 80%, it was warm again outside
4/10 moved the 10 gallon to the basement next to the big tank so it could share the lighting. Humidity holding at 78%
4/16 #7 freshly molted in the moss so I moved the other 9 to the 150 gallon tank. Everyone is busy and active.